2025 Women's conference

Our annual Women's Conference will be held at Hope Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 8, 2025 (from 9 AM - 2 PM).  

The world calls us to set our affections on many things: material possessions, power, glory, accomplishments, money, to name a few. Jesus calls us to set our affections on Him. Join us as author and speaker Abbey Wedgeworth walks us through the Gospel of Mark to build our affection for Christ by seeing Jesus as our healer, learning how to handle our questions and doubts, and looking toward the Second Coming.

About the speaker: 

Abbey Wedgeworth lives in Hilton Head, SC with her husband David and their three sons. She is the author of Held: 31 Biblical Reflections on God's Comfort and Care in the Sorrow of Miscarriage, and the children's series "Training Young Hearts".

Please register by February 24th. The conference registration fee is $30, which includes lunch and childcare. 

The conference fee can be paid in person at the event, or online by clicking here and choosing "Women's Ministry" as the fund.