Our Story

Hope began meeting for worship in March of 2008, and became a self-governing church in July of 2010. We started out as a small church plant of Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church in Suffolk, Virginia meeting in the local middle school. By God’s grace, we have grown to now have our own building here in Smithfield, and have approximately 100 people attending worship on Sunday mornings. 

Vision & Mission

OUR VISION is to be a loving and caring church that glorifies God by impacting the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

OUR MISSION is to glorify and enjoy God by exalting His name, equipping His people, encouraging His children, and expanding His kingdom. 

What We Believe

As a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), we prioritize faithfulness to the Scriptures, adherence to the Reformed tradition, and obedience to the Great Commission. This means that God’s Word is our highest authority, governing our life and doctrine. We also lean heavily upon our rich tradition flowing from the Protestant Reformation. Both God’s Word and our tradition propel us in our obedience to Jesus’ Commission to share his message of good news and hope to the nations.